Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Google Authorship Goes Past Only Webpages

Google Authorship's Power Goes Beyond Just Webpages

Google Authorship image

Amanda DiSilvestro's great article mentions that Google created the Authorship tag to help connect authors with the content which they create and thereby help users learn more about the content's author and learn more (and hopefully engage more) with both them and their content.

With these goals in mind, it doesn't make sense to limit authorship to only webpages. After all, authors publish content through many different mediums on the web and this content shows up in many different web searches.

Does Google Play Favorites?

Here's a question...If you use Google products, does Google 'know' this and tacitly reward you for this? For example, if you were to purchase the Google Nexus 7 with Wi-Fi shown above; does Google track (or can they track?) such things and give authors a small bump?

OK, I know the conspiracy alarm is ringing off the wall but, hear me out.

Consider the evidence:

  • Google bought Urchin which was worked into Google Analytics....which they give away for free yet people continue pay for vastly more expensive analytic packages such as Adobe (formerly Omniture).

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